Italia Caesar Ceramics, The unique ‘material culture’ that identifies us comes from more than 30 years experience and innovation in the field of high-quality Italian porcelain tile, a guarantee of comprehensive technical know-how.

  • Orsolini amedeo spa

    location_on VIA EDISON 16,
         06064, Panicale

    call 0761/7571
    fax 0761/757309

  • Orsolini amedeo spa

    location_on VIA DELLA TORRE 8,
         6039, Trevi

    call 0742-670670
    fax 0761-757309
    mail [email protected]

  • Orsolini, cultura della casa

    location_on VIA DEI CARRETTIERI S.N.,
         06081, Z.ind.s. maria d/angeli assisi (pg)

    call 0761/7571
    fax 0761/757309

  • Ticchioni srl

    location_on VIA DELLA VALTIERA,81,
         06135, Collestrada

    call 075/5972211
    mail [email protected]