In the Verdicchio hills, amidst the Marche countryside of Monte Roberto, a renovated house tells its story through a design vision that blends intuition and personality. The owner, an interior designer, meticulously curated every aspect of the furnishings, reflecting her unique and refined style. In such a personal project, Caesar surfaces take center stage, creating a thread of character and consistency throughout the spaces.
Inside, the atmosphere is warm and welcoming: the choice of materials dialogues with a sober and sophisticated color palette. The porcelain stoneware from the Join collection in the Wing 120x120 soft finish covers the floors, enhancing the carefully selected furnishings. The surface, soft to the touch and featuring a contemporary aesthetic, captures the natural light pouring through the large windows, accentuating the harmonious balance of the space.
The living room perfectly complements the exposed wooden beams of the ceiling: every detail is designed to define a cohesive visual ensemble, enriched by carefully positioned decorative elements and large glass windows that provide a view of the garden.
The kitchen, open to the living room, maintains stylistic continuity thanks to the use of high-quality materials and clean lines, with natural wood elements adding warmth without overpowering the whole.
In this project, simplicity is the result of meticulous and thoughtful work. Caesar porcelain stoneware becomes the aesthetic choice upon which to build a living narrative made of material, light, and unique details. A home that speaks of its inhabitants with discretion and character, celebrating the pleasure of living.